Department Quality Assurance Policy

The Department, after its establishment on the academic map of the country, has now acquired a clear international orientation and targeting. The quality assurance policy of the department of Midwifery was decided at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 3/12/2020 and posted on the department’s website ( This quality policy seeks to establish a quality assurance system in teaching and in education in general, which aims to continuously strengthen the control of the quality of studies, as well as the administrative structure of the department. For the implementation of this goal, “quality education” plays a key role.

  • At the heart of quality education are all its participants: teachers, learners, supporting administrative staff and young scientists, who need the right conditions to unfold their creativity, knowledge and research concerns.
  • The Department of Midwifery also supports the use and application of scientific knowledge for the benefit of society, while creating the context in which specialized research will acquire a scientific, obstetric and social dimension.
  • In addition, the Department of Midwifery, aiming to improve the quality of the education provided, seeks the formation of a curriculum that offers its specialized, goal-oriented and responsible graduates, an education with excellent skills, with optimal research abilities and a multifaceted ingenuity in the practical application of theoretical knowledge.

The Department of Midwifery considering all involved parties (students, academic, technical, and administrative staff):

  • Provides all the necessary financial, technical and human resources for cooperation with the QAU unit of the UoWM.
  • Continues to provide quality and effective education, ensuring the appropriateness of teaching staff qualifications.
  • Encourages networking and collaboration with other educational institutions.
  • Takes care of the promotion of the quality and quantity of the research work of the members of the Department and seeks to connect teaching with research, expanding the level of demand for the acquired qualifications of the graduates in the labor market.
  • Supports continuous meritocracy, accountability, transparency and self-improvement.
  • Seeks to improve the quality of support services (secretariat, libraries, student care, etc.), through the reduction of bureaucracy and the complete digitization of procedures.
  • Enforces the integration and involvement of all UoWM structures (Deans, Vice-Rectors, Students, etc.)
  • Ensures the continuous information of all the members involved on the current situation and future developments.
  • Improves the operation of the Study Program through regular reviews of the Quality Assurance System and evaluations of the effectiveness of all related processes, and if deemed necessary, revises the quality objectives.
  • Plans training and communication actions regarding the Quality Policy for all staff members.
  • Sets the goals, harmonized with the requirements of the Quality Policy and takes every necessary measure to ensure the conditions for the implementation of all the above.

Planning goals and actions of the Midwifery Undergraduate Study Program

The Department of  Midwifery seeks to establish a quality assurance mindset based on the following tripartite:

  1. Selection of quality objectives.
  2. Definition of quality criteria.
  3. Formulation of specific improvement measures and compilation of a corresponding list of improvement measures and actions.

The aim of the department is to create a fundamental quality assurance system based on the interaction of the following components:

  1. Students
    For the students, a specific process of studies is established and the seamless conduct of teaching and exams is ensured, processes that the students evaluate through the QAU questionnaires.
  2. Staff
    The staff is also at the center of the quality cycle and comprises the driving force behind the department. The recruitment of highly qualified staff is sought, the professional improvement of existing staff through continuous education and training as well as the participation of administrative staff in international collaborations and exchanges.
  3. Studies
    The studies are the promise of the Department of Midwifery to students, for the acquisition of professional qualifications, based on skills, research experience and a good practice-oriented, core curriculum, which will take into account contemporary thematic, interdisciplinary and interdepartmental data supported by international exchanges and mobility.
  4. Infrastructure
    Infrastructure is the basis of the quality assurance system. Necessary elements of these are the provision of the necessary spaces, equipment, access to external sources of knowledge, through quality communication equipment and information systems and the executives (teaching and administrative).
  5. Support system
    The support system is the foundation of our educational organization. The quality development system is based on the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle. Based on processed information, participants can determine whether the existing situation differs from the requirement of the quality assurance system. If something like this is observed, we consult special lists of measures and actions, the aim of which is to restore the points of weakness. The development system will consist of two cycles, one four-year and one annual.

In summary, it is pointed out that the main objectives of the described quality policy of the department are:

  • The establishment of quality assurance tools such as: first-year student questionnaires, teaching and service evaluation questionnaires, questionnaires on subject outlines and the assessment process, student performance and success rates, graduate questionnaires, internship evaluation and regular review of the Study Program.
  • The Systematic control of the quality of the project through the annual internal evaluation report by the OMEA of the department.
  • The provision of high-level midwifery studies, which equip students with skills, abilities and knowledge in matters of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care of the mother and newborn, while achieving learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
  • The direct involvement of research and innovation in teaching, according to the new domestic and international conditions and practices.
  • The improvement of the quality and efficiency of the teaching work, through continuous training, merit-based and transparent selection, self-evaluation and evaluation of the educational procedures by students and QAU, convenient and student-centered curriculum timetable, use of IT technologies, participation of students and teaching staff in mobility programs, teaching in postgraduate study programs, organization of national and international conferences, community service and other social actions.
  • The continuous search and identification of weak points in the overall process of studies, their analysis and the taking of the necessary measures.
  • The establishment of effective methods and systems and the organization of student care services to improve the quality of life of students.
  • Transparency at all levels.
  • Publicizing the work carried out in the Department (publications, research programs, citations, etc.).
  • The protection of individual rights, personal data and intellectual property rights, of employees and students.
  • Provision of high quality laboratory and other logistic infrastructures and continuous upgrading thereof.
  • Reinforcement of excellence and its financial support.

Ways of communicating the quality policy

The successful communication of the Quality Policy of the department of Midwifery is a key point and is achieved through the following procedures:

  1. The text of the Quality Policy is posted on the Department’s website.
  2. The Chair of the Department, who is responsible for informing both new faculty members and part-time teachers about the vision of the Department and the procedures provided for in the Quality Policy. New students are also informed by the Chair of the Department in relation to the Department’s Quality Policy, as part of the First Year Welcome Event.
  3. Faculty members, through the institution of the Academic Advisor, are responsible for regularly informing students about the Department’s Quality Policy.
  4. The organization of informative events by the QAU Unit of the UoWM.